Ayakashi: Ghost Guild (Onmyouroku) Wiki
Main Origin Quotes and Fun Facts Gallery

Phantomicon Amakusa Shiro
"Now is our time. To the promised land!"
Daemon ID 1128 StarStarStarStarStar
Attackicon (min/max): 4530/13000
Defensiveicon (min/max): 3090/8850
Conquesticon (conquest): 21850
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 16935/11019
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 27954
Spiritreqicon: 39
SkilliconTime Immemorial
Increases Phantom Attack.
Attackicon/Defensiveicon (max): 333.33 / 226.92
Conquesticon (conquest): 560.26
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 434.23/282.54
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 716.77

This good-looking boy with a keen intellect was actually behind one of the most daring social experiments known to history: How effective could the impassioned masses be when fighting against all-powerful authority? Though he's yet to arrive at a conclusive answer, he's once again using his peerless charm to round up legions of fellow ghosts in preparation for the battle to end all battles.

How to Acquire

Phantomicon Amakusa Shiro [Amusement Park]
"Was it the will of the gods that led me to this place of amusement?"
Daemon ID 1536 StarStarStarStar
Attackicon (min/max): 4370/12470
Defensiveicon (min/max): 3030/8670
Conquesticon (conquest): 21140
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 14543/10143
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 24686
Spiritreqicon: 30
SkilliconRevolutionary Attraction
Increases Phantom Attack.
Attackicon/Defensiveicon (max): 415.67 / 289
Conquesticon (conquest): 704.67
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 484.77/338.1
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 822.87

A child of the revolution who leads the people to civil disobedience in the name of the gods. But he made a mistake somewhere, and wound up at the amusement park. Thinking this, too, must be part of the will of the gods, he decided to stay and play. He's a good example of seriousness taken to the level of ridiculous.

How to Acquire

Spirit World Gone Wild Decoration 2
Spirit World Gone Wild Decoration 3

Phantomicon Amakusa Shiro [Amusement Park] -
"Was it the will of the gods that led me to this place of amusement?"
Daemon ID 601536 StarStarStar
Attackicon (min/max): 1750/5000
Defensiveicon (min/max): 1750/5000
Conquesticon (conquest): 10000
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 5500/5500
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 11000
Spiritreqicon: 15
SkilliconRevolutionary Attraction
Increases Phantom Attack.
Attackicon/Defensiveicon (max): 333.33 / 333.33
Conquesticon (conquest): 666.67
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 366.67/366.67
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 733.33

A child of the revolution who leads the people to civil disobedience in the name of the gods. But he made a mistake somewhere, and wound up at the amusement park. Thinking this, too, must be part of the will of the gods, he decided to stay and play. He's a good example of seriousness taken to the level of ridiculous.

How to Acquire

  • Limited Time Lucky Bag

Spirit World Gone Wild Decoration 2
Spirit World Gone Wild Decoration 3
