Ayakashi: Ghost Guild (Onmyouroku) Wiki
Main Origin Quotes and Fun Facts Gallery

Divinaicon Ameno Hohi
"Well, I was already out past curfew, so..."
Daemon ID 1578 StarStarStarStar
Attackicon (min/max): 2444/7064
Defensiveicon (min/max): 3411/9831
Conquesticon (conquest): 16895
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 8550/11900
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 20450
Spiritreqicon: 28
SkilliconThe Good Son
Increases Divina Defense
Dramatically increases Amaterasu's skill trigger rate as a teammate. 100% trigger rate
Attackicon/Defensiveicon (max): 252.29 / 351.11
Conquesticon (conquest): 603.39
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 305.36/425
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 730.36

A spirit born from the Goddess Amaterasu. He often comes home 24 hours after his original curfew, thereby technically making it home on time. He is like a stubbornly independent prodigal son. You may find it hard to tell if he's a boy or girls at first-and he likes it that way.

How to Acquire

  • Rare Summon
  • x5 Rare Summon: Tues 1/7/15 - Tues 1/13/15

Divinaicon Ameno Hohi
"Well, I was already out past curfew, so..."
Daemon ID 901578 StarStarStarStar
Attackicon (min/max): 2444/7064
Defensiveicon (min/max): 3411/9831
Conquesticon (conquest): 16895
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 8550/11900
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 20450
Spiritreqicon: 28
SkilliconThe Good Son
Increases Divina Defense
Dramatically increases Amaterasu's skill trigger rate as a teammate. 100% trigger rate
Attackicon/Defensiveicon (max): 252.29 / 351.11
Conquesticon (conquest): 603.39
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 305.36/425
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 730.36

A spirit born from the Goddess Amaterasu. He often comes home 24 hours after his original curfew, thereby technically making it home on time. He is like a stubbornly independent prodigal son. You may find it hard to tell if he's a boy or girls at first-and he likes it that way.

How to Acquire
