Ayakashi: Ghost Guild (Onmyouroku) Wiki
Main Origin Quotes and Fun Facts Gallery

Divinaicon Athena [Amusement Park]
"Ah, how exciting! Fighting with you is the main attraction!"
Daemon ID 1525 StarStarStarStarStar
Attackicon (min/max): 4540/13010
Defensiveicon (min/max): 5400/15410
Conquesticon (conquest): 28420
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 16129/19009
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 35138
Spiritreqicon: 41
SkilliconShield of Light
Reduces all enemies' Attack. Very high trigger rate
Attackicon/Defensiveicon (max): 317.32 / 375.85
Conquesticon (conquest): 693.17
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 393.39/463.63
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 857.02

The goddess of war in Greek mythology. More than world peace, human happiness, or what she's having for dinner, Athena longs most for a strong opponent. She is just crazy about fighting. For her, a rip-roaring, heart-racing contest of flesh and blood is the best attraction of all.

How to Acquire

  • "Spirit World Gone Wild" event: Get a first half ranking of 5000 or less.
  • You can obtain her magatama by getting a ranking of 3000 or less.

Spirit World Gone Wild Decoration 2
Spirit World Gone Wild Decoration 3
