Ayakashi: Ghost Guild (Onmyouroku) Wiki
Main Origin Quotes and Fun Facts Gallery

Divinaicon Guinevere [Academy]
'"Tea's true worth is all in the scent."'
Daemon ID 1151 StarStarStarStarStar
Attackicon (min/max): 3890/11100
Defensiveicon (min/max): 5050/14500
Conquesticon (conquest): 25600
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 13531/17591
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 31122
Spiritreqicon: 37
SkilliconImmaculate Sinner
Increases Divina Defense. High trigger rate.
Attackicon/Defensiveicon (max): 300 / 391.89
Conquesticon (conquest): 691.89
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 365.7/475.43
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 841.14

Queen consort to King Arthur, and rumored lover of Sir Lancelot. Her betrayal of King Arthur is said to have led to the downfall of Camelot. Her reputation among the students at Camelot Academy is that of a striking madonna figure.

How to Acquire

  • "Camelot Academy for Ghost" event: Get a first half ranking of 5000 or better.
  • You can obtain her magatama by getting a ranking of 3000 or better.
