Ayakashi: Ghost Guild (Onmyouroku) Wiki
Main Origin Quotes and Fun Facts Gallery

Divinaicon Hotei
"You wish for salvation...? Do you not deem this encounter to be salvation enough?”
Daemon ID 170 StarStarStarStar
Attackicon (min/max): 3200/9150
Defensiveicon (min/max): 3300/9450
Conquesticon (conquest): 18600
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 10523/10868
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 21391
Spiritreqicon: 29
SkilliconHarp Solo
Increases Divina Defense.
Attackicon/Defensiveicon (max): 315.52 / 325.86
Conquesticon (conquest): 641.38
Limit Break TextAttackicon/Defensiveicon: 362.86/374.76
Limit Break TextConquesticon: 737.62

One of the seven lucky deities, Hotei is responsible for good fortune and salvation. She is celestially active as a member of a band called Seventh Heaven, and her carefree harp stylings have long been a feature of their music.

How to Acquire

  • Rare Summon
  • x5 chance in Rare Summon from 10/29 to 11/7.
  • Bell Summon
